Session to present the book TERRITORIO Y ESTADOS. ELEMENTOS PARA LA COORDINACIÓN DE LAS POLÍTICAS DE ORDENACIÓN DEL TERRITORIO EN EL SIGLO XXI (Territory and states. Elements to coordinate spatial planning policies in the 21st century) by Joaquín Farinós Dasí.
- Jesús María Erquicia Olaciregui (PhD in Architecture, Head of the Spatial Planning Service of the Basque Government): "The need to coordinate the planning instruments and involved administrations. Between desire and reality".
- Kepa Korta (Director of the San Sebastian Office of Strategy): "From regulated planning instruments to strategic ones: Which common points can help to advance?”
- Unai Fernández de Betoño Sáenz de Lacuesta (PhD in Architecture, professor of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning at the ETSA, UPV/EHU): "Territorial impact of sectoral instruments; options for an integrated vision".
- Joaquín Farinós Dasí (Geographer, President of Fundicot, book coordinator): "Objective and scope of the work. Options for Spatial Planning for the future; how to improve future options from Spatial Planning".
- Roundtable coordinator: Itxaro Latasa Zaballos. Geographer. Professor of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning at the ETSA, UPV/EHU.
Intended for professionals and researchers involved or interested in Spatial and/or Urban Planning; Public Administration engineers and managers associated with Urban or Spatial Planning; Students in the Architecture Fundamentals degree; Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in disciplines related to the fields of this activity.