Congress Learning from HfG Ulm
Conference Virtues and limitations of Otl Aicher's design approach
The reception of Otl Aicher' design is dominated by the stereotypical description of a methodical-rational processing of creative tasks that would have led to the systematic development of formally-aesthetically minimal, ascetically strict solutions. The work of the design team he led for the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich has an emblematic effect in this direction.
The central premises of his attitude are repeatedly cited in this context:
- Recognizability of the world
- Manageability of the context
- Plannability of action
- Rationality of decision
- Understandability of the argumentation
- Persuasiveness of the objective reasons
- Insight of the parties involved
- Solvability of the problems.
In a pointed summary, the theoretical basis of his creative practice culminated in the formula: The reasonable is correct. However, this woodcut-like drawing loses its sharp contour as soon as concrete works by Aicher are examined without bias, starting with early works for the Ulm Adult Education Centre, Braun, Lufthansa and the 1972 Olympic Games through to Isny.